锻炼后,他心脏骤停. 他的妻子用心肺复苏术救了他.


帕德隆家族, 左起:丽贝卡, 艾丽亚娜一直, 贝丝和路易斯,他在50岁时心脏骤停. (图片由帕德隆一家提供)
帕德隆家族, 左起:丽贝卡, 艾丽亚娜一直, 贝丝和路易斯,他在50岁时心脏骤停. (图片由帕德隆一家提供)

Luis and Beth Padron spent a chilly Sunday morning in January strength training in their Monroe, 新泽西, 首页. 之后,贝丝伸伸懒腰,路易斯去洗澡. 这一天剩下的沙巴足球体育平台里,他们都有事要办. 贝丝准备做一顿丰盛的家庭晚餐.

贝思冷静下来时,听到楼上传来砰的一声. 好像有什么东西撞到屋顶了. 她15岁的女儿埃莉安娜(艾丽亚娜一直)就在她身边. 贝丝对另一个女儿丽贝卡喊道,当时她17岁. 她在楼上学习,很好.

“我们去看看爸爸怎么样了,”贝丝对埃莉安娜说. 贝丝大声喊路易斯,看他是否还好.

在楼上,她敲了敲锁着的浴室门. 与她结婚19年的丈夫路易斯没有回应.

贝丝敲得更用力了. 没有什么.

She reached up and grabbed the key they kept on the door frame.



埃莉安娜拨打了911. 丽贝卡对调度员说了几句,然后把电话给了贝丝. 伊莲娜在外面等着急救人员.

Meanwhile, Beth dropped to the floor to see if Luis was breathing. 他不是.

贝丝十年前上过心肺复苏术课. 最近, she'd read an article about how providing immediate chest compressions can improve a person's chance of survival from cardiac arrest. With coaching from the 911 operator, she started pumping on his chest. 尽管贝丝感到他的肋骨断了,但她还是坚持了下来.

当她给路易斯做心肺复苏术时,他的脸已经没有了血色. 几分钟后,医护人员赶到了. 30分钟, they shocked him multiple times with an automated external defibrillator, 或AED, 给他注射肾上腺素,让他的心脏重新跳动.




Beth rode in the ambulance with Luis to Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital a few miles away in New Brunswick. 她妈妈开车送女孩们去见他们.

医护人员在路易斯的喉咙里插了一根管子帮助他呼吸. 在医院里, 医生 rushed him to the cardiac catheterization lab to look for any blockages in his arteries. He had an electrocardiogram to measure the electrical activity of his heartbeat. 所有的测试都很好.

帮助减少永久性脑损伤, 医生 decided to try a treatment called therapeutic hypothermia. It's when a person's body temperature is lowered after cardiac arrest.

整整两天,路易斯浑身发抖. 贝丝握住他的手. Rebecca and 艾丽亚娜一直 played "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey, one of his favorite songs.

心脏骤停两天后,路易斯睁开了眼睛. 医生拔掉了他的呼吸管. 由于注射了镇定剂,他仍然昏昏沉沉.

"My beautiful wife," he said to Beth, his voice quiet and scratchy.

“你没事,”她说着,流下了眼泪. “你是安全的."

身体上,路易斯还好. 但他不记得年份和护士的名字. He told Beth and the girls he had a bad cold, even though they'd told him he had a cardiac arrest.

慢慢地,他的短期记忆有所改善. He and Beth discussed the option of him getting an ICD, an implantable cardioverter defibrillator. 如果设备检测到心律异常, it will deliver an electric shock to restore a normal heartbeat.


他做了体外除颤器并做了基因检测. Results didn't help explain why he'd gone into cardiac arrest at age 50. 他一直不知道为什么.

路易斯晕倒九天后,他回家了. 接下来的两周他都在恢复. By the time Luis returned to his job as a software engineer in late February, 他的短期记忆已恢复正常.

Now, Luis often thinks about how he wouldn't be alive if it weren't for his wife's quick action. The Padrons are planning a 心肺复苏 training session for their extended family.

“我总是设想如果我需要使用心肺复苏术, 可能是街上随便一个人,贝丝说. “我家里没有,我丈夫也没有. From the minute we arrived at the hospital, everyone told me I saved his life. 每个人都需要学习心肺复苏."

帕德隆家族 is planning a 心肺复苏 training session for their extended family. 左起:路易斯、贝丝、埃莉安娜和丽贝卡. (图片由帕德隆一家提供)
帕德隆家族 is planning a 心肺复苏 training session for their extended family. 左起:路易斯、贝丝、埃莉安娜和丽贝卡. (图片由帕德隆一家提供)

At the same time, Beth has sought treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder.

"The trauma really is with the person who did the work and helped," Luis said.

他们从医院回来后, Beth found herself crying when she went into the upstairs bathroom. 她想象着路易斯一动不动地躺在地板上.

“通常你的房子是你的安全空间,”贝丝说. “这里成了我的创伤之地."

让浴室再次成为一个积极的空间, Luis sat with her while she brushed her teeth and washed her face. 他们在白墙上涂了一层灰褐色的油漆.

渐渐地,贝丝开始感到不那么焦虑了. "Taking control of your environment really does make a difference," she said.

练习感恩也有帮助. 帕德伦夫妇对第一批救援人员表示感谢, 医生, 照顾路易斯的护士和医院工作人员. They also have a new appreciation for every day they have together as a family. And Luis' ICD gives them a sense of reassurance that the device could save his life.


发自内心的故事 chronicles the inspiring journeys of heart disease and stroke survivors, caregivers and advocates.


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